Coaching Practice Foundations: Simplicity.

Life is full enough. Busy enough. Let’s try and keep things as simple as possible with your health journey!

Pretty much EVERY client that I have ever worked with will share all the things they have done on their health journey. All the things they are doing on their health journey. All the things they want to do on their health journey. It’s A LOT happening at one time for some! Been there….done ALLLLLL that! We are so bombarded with all kinds of information around health it’s hard to know what to do, what not to do, when to do it, when not to do it……UGH! So much, right?!?

The other piece to this…we feel like COMPLETE CRAP, and just want to feel better! So, in turn, you feel like doing ALLLL the things at the same time will help. Again, been there, done that! In reality, for MOST clients (and myself), I have found that taking things slow and simple is the ticket. ONE STEP AT A TIME!

This is a tough one. Really tough. Again, when you are feeling bloated, sick, sore….you want to feel better…..FAST! But, hear me out, your body is already stressed, inflamed, overwhelmed (YOU are maybe overwhelmed!), so being gentle and slow with your body will help so much more than “adding fuel to the fire”.

When we work together, we can determine what is the best place to start in your journey, what you can hold off on for a bit, when to introduce new things (habits, products, etc.). For many, actually most all, of my clients I will suggest their first step is some form of journaling. This is a great way to slow things down and really tune into yourself and your body. (Broken record here…I talk about journaling a lot!) *THIS journal from A Gutsy Girl is one that I HIGHLY recommend to get you started!

So, slow things down a bit. Take a load off. And, keep things simple.

AND…if you want someone to help you along the way, give me a shout!

In health,


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