Coaching Practice Foundations: Nature

I mentioned in an earlier POST, that this doesn’t mean you need to go for a hike in the woods if you work with me! (It can, but only if that jives with you!)


This part of my foundation of coaching can really have so many different meanings and interpretations. It truly depends on the client. BUUUT, the overall vibe is this: getting in touch with nature in some capacity or another, has greatly benefitted my clients. Above, I talk about a hike in the woods. For some of my clients…hiking outdoors IS a key part of their journey. Or, just a walk outside can be the golden ticket! For me, adding in walks outside was HUGE on my healing journey. It allowed me to de-stress, get fresh air, be in silence (I walk around on my hobby farm, so I realize a quiet place to walk may not be available for everyone), and just be ME! Also, as it turns out, I am pretty dang connected to nature! We all are, really! (We won’t dive into the existential topics today!)

Perhaps you will find that gardening is a way for you to get in some nature. There is a lot of healing that can take place when you are playing in the dirt! I know this one first hand myself! OR, maybe sitting and watching the sunrise or sunset is your thing. This can get your circadian rhythm flowing real nice too! WHICH, happens to be this NATURAL process in your body! WHICH….brings me to this….


Our body has a natural rhythm to it, and the lives we are trying to keep up with these days….UFF-DA! It has those rhythms more wonky than Willy! I talk about slowing down and keeping things simple A LOT! Like in this POST. But, there is SOOOO MUCH value in this…in slowing down and getting in touch with you. With your body. When we slow down and REALLY listen to our body, we can learn so much. We start to give it what it NEEDS. We heal. I cannot stress how incredibly important this step has been for my clients, as well as myself.

When thinking about getting in touch with your body…listening in…mindfulness comes to…well, mind! According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of mindfulness is:

  • the quality or state of being mindful
  • the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis

What I want to highlight in that definition is “complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences“. So much power in that, and so much power you hold when you bring that awareness to your journey. Think about ways you will incorporate some nature into your journey!

If you need someone to walk alongside you in your health journey…send me a message.

In health,
